_x000D_ _x000D_import math
_x000D_ _x000D_運(yùn)行以上代碼,我們可以看到輸出結(jié)果為:
_x000D_ _x000D_['__doc__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'ceil', 'comb', 'copysign', 'cos', 'cosh', 'degrees', 'dist', 'e', 'erf', 'erfc', 'exp', 'expm1', 'fabs', 'factorial', 'floor', 'fmod', 'frexp', 'fsum', 'gamma', 'gcd', 'hypot', 'inf', 'isclose', 'isfinite', 'isinf', 'isnan', 'isqrt', 'ldexp', 'lgamma', 'log', 'log10', 'log1p', 'log2', 'modf', 'nan', 'perm', 'pi', 'pow', 'prod', 'radians', 'remainder', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh', 'tau', 'trunc']
_x000D_ _x000D_從輸出結(jié)果中,我們可以看到math模塊中的所有方法和屬性,其中包括acos、asin、atan、ceil等方法。
_x000D_ _x000D_import math
_x000D_ _x000D_運(yùn)行以上代碼,我們可以看到輸出結(jié)果為:
_x000D_ _x000D_Help on module math:
_x000D_This module provides access to the mathematical functions
_x000D_defined by the C standard.
_x000D_Return the arc cosine (measured in radians) of x.
_x000D_Return the inverse hyperbolic cosine of x.
_x000D_Return the arc sine (measured in radians) of x.
_x000D_Return the inverse hyperbolic sine of x.
_x000D_Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of x.
_x000D_atan2(y, x)
_x000D_Return the arc tangent (measured in radians) of y/x.
_x000D_Unlike atan(y/x), the signs of both x and y are considered.
_x000D_Return the inverse hyperbolic tangent of x.
_x000D_Return the ceiling of x as a float, the smallest integer value greater than or equal to x.
_x000D_comb(N, k, exact=False)
_x000D_Return the number of ways to choose k items from N items without repetition and without order.
_x000D_copysign(x, y)
_x000D_Return a float with the magnitude (absolute value) of x but the sign of y. On platforms that support signed zeros, copysign(1.0,-0.0) returns -1.0.
_x000D_Return the cosine of x (measured in radians).
_x000D_Return the hyperbolic cosine of x.
_x000D_Convert angle x from radians to degrees.
_x000D_dist(p, q)
_x000D_Return the Euclidean distance between two points p and q.
_x000D_e = 2.718281828459045
_x000D_Error function at x.
_x000D_Complementary error function at x.
_x000D_Return e raised to the power of x.
_x000D_Return exp(x) - 1. This function avoids the loss of precision involved in the direct evaluation of exp(x)-1 for small x.
_x000D_Return the absolute value of the float x.
_x000D_factorial(x, /) method of instance
_x000D_factorial(x: int) -> int
_x000D_Find x!. Raise a ValueError if x is negative or non-integral.
_x000D_Return the floor of x as a float, the largest integer value less than or equal to x.
_x000D_fmod(x, y)
_x000D_Return fmod(x, y), according to platform C. x % y may differ.
_x000D_Return the mantissa and exponent of x as the pair (m, e).
_x000D_m is a float and e is an int, such that x = m * 2.**e
_x000D_If x is 0, m and e are both 0. Else 0.5 <= abs(m) < 1.0.
_x000D_Return an accurate floating point sum of values in the iterable.
_x000D_Assumes IEEE-754 floating point arithmetic.
_x000D_Gamma function at x.
_x000D_gcd(a, b) -> int
_x000D_greatest common divisor of a and b
_x000D_hypot(x, y)
_x000D_Return the Euclidean distance, sqrt(x*x + y*y).
_x000D_inf = inf
_x000D_isclose(a, b, *, rel_tol=1e-09, abs_tol=0.0) -> bool
_x000D_Determine whether two floating point numbers are close in value.
_x000D_maximum difference for being considered "close", relative to the
_x000D_magnitude of the input values
_x000D_maximum difference for being considered "close", regardless of the
_x000D_magnitude of the input values
_x000D_Return True if a is close in value to b, and False otherwise.
_x000D_For the values to be considered "close", the difference between them
_x000D_must be smaller than at least one of the tolerances.
_x000D_-inf, inf and NaN behave similarly to the IEEE 754 Standard. That
_x000D_is, NaN is not close to anything, even itself. inf and -inf are
_x000D_only close to themselves.
_x000D_isfinite(x) -> bool
_x000D_Return True if x is neither an infinity nor a NaN, and False otherwise.
_x000D_isinf(x) -> bool
_x000D_Return True if x is a positive or negative infinity, and False otherwise.
_x000D_isnan(x) -> bool
_x000D_Return True if x is a NaN (not a number), and False otherwise.
_x000D_isqrt(n: int) -> int
_x000D_Return the integer square root of the nonnegative integer n.
_x000D_This is the largest integer r such that r*r <= n.
_x000D_>>> isqrt(9)
_x000D_ldexp(x, i)
_x000D_Return x * (2**i).
_x000D_This is essentially the inverse of frexp().
_x000D_Natural logarithm of the absolute value of the Gamma function at x.
_x000D_log(x, [base=e])
_x000D_Return the logarithm of x to the given base.
_x000D_If the base not specified, returns the natural logarithm (base e) of x.
_x000D_Return the base 10 logarithm of x.
_x000D_Return the natural logarithm of 1+x (base e).
_x000D_The result is computed in a way which is accurate for x near zero.
_x000D_Return the base 2 logarithm of x.
_x000D_Return the fractional and integer parts of x. Both results carry the sign
_x000D_of x and are floats.
_x000D_nan = nan
_x000D_perm(N, k=None, exact=False)
_x000D_Number of ways to choose k items from N items with order and without repetition.
_x000D_If k is not specified or is None, then k defaults to N and we compute the number of permutations of N items: N!/(N-N)! = N!.
_x000D_If k is specified, then we compute the number of ways to select k items from N items with order and without repetition: N!/(N-k)!.
_x000D_If exact is true, the result is returned as an integer, otherwise it is returned as a float.
_x000D_pi = 3.141592653589793
_x000D_pow(x, y)
_x000D_Return x**y (x to the power of y).
_x000D_prod(iterable, *, start=1)
_x000D_Calculate the product of all the elements in the input iterable.
_x000D_The default start value for the product is 1.
_x000D_When the iterable is empty, return the start value. This function is
_x000D_intended specifically for use with numeric values and may reject
_x000D_non-numeric types.
_x000D_Convert angle x from degrees to radians.
_x000D_remainder(x, y)
_x000D_Return the IEEE 754-style remainder of x with respect to y. For finite x and finite nonzero y, this is the difference x - n*y, where n is the closest integer to the exact value of the quotient x / y. If x / y is exactly halfway between two consecutive integers, the nearest even integer is used for n. The remainder r = remainder(x, y) thus always satisfies abs(r) <= 0.5 * abs(y).
_x000D_Return the sine of x (measured in radians).
_x000D_Return the hyperbolic sine of x.
_x000D_Return the square root of x.
_x000D_Return the tangent of x (measured in radians).
_x000D_Return the hyperbolic tangent of x.
_x000D_tau = 6.283185307179586
_x000D_trunc(x:Real) -> Integral
_x000D_Truncates x to the nearest Integral toward 0. Uses the __trunc__ magic method.
_x000D_e = 2.718281828459045
_x000D_inf = inf
_x000D_nan = nan
_x000D_pi = 3.141592653589793
_x000D_tau = 6.283185307179586
_x000D_ _x000D_從輸出結(jié)果中,我們可以看到math模塊的文檔字符串,其中包括模塊的名稱、描述、函數(shù)列表等信息。
_x000D_1. 如何查看第三方模塊中的方法?
_x000D_ _x000D_import numpy as np
_x000D_ _x000D_2. 如何查看模塊中的指定方法?
_x000D_ _x000D_import math
_x000D_ _x000D_3. 如何查看模塊中的屬性?
_x000D_ _x000D_import math
_x000D_ _x000D_4. 如何查看模塊中的類?
_x000D_ _x000D_import datetime
_x000D_ _x000D_本文介紹了如何使用Python的dir()函數(shù)來(lái)查看模塊中的方法和屬性,以及使用help()函數(shù)來(lái)查看模塊的文檔字符串。還擴(kuò)展了相關(guān)問(wèn)答,幫助讀者更好地了解Python查看模塊方法的相關(guān)知識(shí)。